Introduction to DevOps

Introduction to DevOps

This is an all-in-one guide and walkthrough about DevOps, the responsibility, the technology behind it and the tools in use.

What is DevOps?

Mostly, people define DevOps as something really alien to us.

But DevOps is nothing but just a way of working between the Development and Operations Team to make the process of software release and maintenance easier and more efficient.


This is what DevOps means to everyone, no rocket science!

  • And here comes the Definition, if you want to note down :

    DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity: evolving and improving products at a faster pace than organizations using traditional software development and infrastructure management processes. This speed enables organizations to better serve their customers and compete more effectively in the market.


  • Actually, when there was no concept of DevOps in the industry, Companies had two teams.

    • Development
    • Operations

    In Layman terms,

    • Developers are those who basically did the programming and software development stuffs.
    • Operators are those people who deployed those applications on large scale manually.
  • So there was a communication barrier between the two teams and companies faced down-times while deployment. Apart from that, this was not really efficient for the industry standards.

  • Hence, the DevOps was born.

Evolving Phase

Phase - I

  • The first version of DevOps was coined as Waterfall.
  • But it had few loopholes like,

    • Ineffective process
    • Over time new requirements may arise
    • Many points of failure and miscommunication
    • No fast feedback
  • Here is the visual representation :


Phase - II

  • The Waterfall was later replaced by a new practice which was coined as Agile.
  • It was proved to be much more advanced and efficient way to deliver a software in the market.
  • The Benefits are,

    • Fast speeds of Development, Testing and Deployment Cycles
    • Immediate Feedback
    • Scrum and Kanban specific Implementations
  • Here is the visual representation :


Relation Between Agile and DevOps

  • AGILE Process: Product Requirement --> Development Team building the Product.
  • DevOps Process: Developed Product --> Operations Team releasing the Product.


The Culture

  • Nowadays, DevOps is so widely accepted by every company that a new role known as DevOps Engineer has come into existance.
  • It's a medium of communication between the teams of the company.
  • As a result, many tools are emerging on a daily basis which makes the life of a DevOps engineer much more easier.



So here we are, with a clear in-depth understanding about DevOps. I hope this was insightful and created a strong concept regarding the whole background.


For further study materials, you can follow Kunal Kushwaha, TechWorld with Nana and Hitesh Choudhary.

Thanks for reading till the very end.

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